"All Words" as the name entails uses every word from the chosen file. From beginning to end, the default words.txt file provides hundreds of terms and definitions. A word that's already been solved won't ever appear again, but it's definition might. No word ever reappears but other words might have similar or same definitions (ex. 같이 vs. 함께 both meaning 'together')

"Certain Index" takes a starting and ending index from the user given that the two text fields are filed in. These indicies will be used to put all words in between them into a set to be tested on. If your starting index is 50 and your ending index is 100, you will be tested on terms 50-100. The minimum amount of terms you need is 4.

"Sets" uses the predetermined sets of the given text file. The text file must follow the default format in order for this gamemode and possible other functions in the app to be used properly. The sets are divded by their titles, given that they don't have a '-' in them. You can view your text file yourself or on the "File" page. All sets must have a minimum of 4 terms.

"Random X" takes an x amount of terms decided by the user and creates a set out of them. Similar to "All Words" but the amount of terms is simply limited. The x terms will be randomized in order of appearance as all other gamemodes are. The minimum amount of terms needed is also 4.

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